About the Author

Website Bio for Newell Boyd Knight -ABOUT ME 


I was born in Provo, Utah but moved to Mink Creek, Idaho when I was 3 years old. I loved the adventure of farm life and the freedom to explore. From birth, horses were a part of my life. My dad raised Shetland Ponies as well as full-sized horses. He loved to ride, hunt, and explore on a horse. I spent much time not only riding horses, but in horse-pulled wagons, sleighs, and buckboards. As a result, I carry several scars as a reminder that horses have hooves and teeth which they sometimes use to protest being bothered or restrained.

As the third child in a family of ten kids, I was often asked to tend or entertain my younger brothers and sisters. According to them I was the “funnest” brother. As the father of six children, I continued to entertain or restrain little kids. Fortunately, as a grandpa of 17 grandchildren, I entertain more than restrain.


My inspiration to write was stimulated by years spent in Toastmasters International where I was required to write and deliver humorous speeches as well as inspirational and motivational talks which were judged on their content and delivery.

My aspirations to write “Uncle Jesse – The Vision to See, the Courage to Do” were kindled at an early age by reading the book written by my grandfather, J. William Knight, titled “The Jesse Knight Family.”


As a great grandson of Jesse Knight, I experienced first-hand highlights of his life story from his son, J. Will Knight (my grandfather), and my father Richard Knight. Although I was born too late to meet Jesse in person, I was able to visit his home on East Center Street in Provo, Utah where my father lived for a time while serving his grandmother Amanda Knight as her favorite chauffeur. 

I became very interested in Brigham Young University when Grandpa J. Will took me to BYU basketball games and to various events at BYU honoring Grandma Jennie Brimhall Knight and Aunt Jennie Mangum. As a student at BY High School, I was fortunate to have classes in the old BY Academy Building, College Hall, the Education Building, and the old Blacksmith building which were all connected financially to Jesse. 

Grandparents, aunts, and uncles met often and shared stories of life when horses and buggies were still the main mode of transportation, and guns were kept as protection against threats by wild animals or hostile Indians. It was very fascinating to me. My Grandmother Jennie was an avid reader and collected many books which she shared and often gave to me as gifts. My mother carried on a tradition of learning with her in-depth study of various subjects. She made stories come alive when she read to me. Because of their enthusiasm, I learned to love books and reading.


Life in the mines that brought Jesse wealth was a big part of my life. Many mining properties were still in possession of Grandpa and later my father, who was determined to resurrect some old mines and continue the tradition of wealth and industry of his grandfather Jesse. Though his ambitions were unrealized, I benefited by finding great adventure visiting old mine tunnels, smelters, and other properties that were once a part of the Knight Investment Empire. Some of my favorite adventures were spent in a mine tunnel in Brighton in Big Cottonwood Canyon. When Dad was actively mining for scheelite ore, my brothers and I pushed a rusty old mine car deep into the cold earth using carbide lamps to light the way. In addition, I helped my dad send out assessment notices to stockholders of various companies which created a fascination for the intricate artistic embellishments on old stock certificates. Many of these certificates are featured in the “Uncle Jesse” book.

So, open the book and take a look! Enjoy the fruits of ten years of research and a lifetime of experience.


Creating games or stories is a natural talent. Because of that, future projects for Pick & Pen Publishing will be illustrated books for children.

Newell Boyd Knight (Boyd) a great-grandson of Jesse Knight, was born and grew up in Provo, Utah. His grandparents, J. Will and Jennie Brimhall Knight shared many fascinating stories about Jesse Knight. Boyd as able to enjoy visits to the Knight family homes in Provo as he visited his aunts and uncles. He also visited many of Jesse's mines with his father Richard Knight. These youth experiences generated much interest in the legacy left by Jesse Knight.

Boyd Became interested in writing when he joined Toastmasters International, an educational organization which promotes public speaking and leadership skills. He won numerous awards for his creative humorous speeches. 

The author graduated from SUSC (now SUU) in  Cedar City, Utah with a B.A. in Education. He later pursued a career in Business and Marketing in Denver, Colorado. He and his wife Kathy reside in West Jordan, Utah and are the proud parents of six children.